The word Petrophysics is a term used to define the science of detecting and evaluating the fluid science of detecting and evaluating the fluid content and the pore and fluid distribution in content and the pore and fluid distribution in rocks through knowledge of their physical and rocks through knowledge of their physical and chemical properties. In the oil and gas industry, chemical properties. In the oil and gas industry, the petrophysicists are the first to tackle the the petrophysicists are the first to tackle the evaluation of a drilled prospect. Usually their evaluation of a drilled prospect. Usually their initial responsibility is to recognize reservoirs initial responsibility is to recognize reservoirs and determine their fluid content. However, and determine their fluid content. However, often it goes beyond this. Their contributions often it goes beyond this. Their contributions to the interpretation of fluid flow behaviour, to the interpretation of fluid flow behaviour, lithological trends, quality of reservoirs, lithological trends, quality of reservoirs, relative permeability characteristics, relative permeability characteristics, hydrodynamics, trapping mechanisms, secondary hydrodynamics, trapping mechanisms, secondary and tertiary recovery design, and many other and tertiary recovery design, and many other factors, are required for the complete factors, are required for the complete understanding of reservoirs and their flow understanding of reservoirs and their flow behaviour.