Technical Events
Check out the CWLS Technical Luncheons, Social Events and Short Courses!
Upcoming Courses
Technical courses are always running. Watch for upcoming sessions and sign up soon.
CWLS Volunteers
We're always on the lookout for recruits for the CWLS, and Executive Committee.
The CWLS (Canadian Well Logging Society) is the oldest organization devoted to log analysis, incorporated in Calgary, Canada in 1957. In that time the society has endeavoured to produce a technical journal with a Canadian slant. The CWLS is thus an appropriate place for those interested in exploring mineral resources in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, the Canadian Arctic, offshore eastern Canada and southern Ontario.
The society has great support from the petroleum industry with over 4 Corporate sponsors. The CWLS has in turn provided a great deal of support to the petroleum industry. One of our proudest achievements has been a Catalogue of Water Resistivities in sedimentary formations in Canada.
The CWLS holds a Technical Luncheon on the third Wednesday of every month (except in the Summer and March) for the benefit of those interested in log analysis and petrophysics. Notices of the topic of each luncheon are sent to members and posted on this web site.
Currently the CWLS has over 205 members including over 50 Student members from around the world. Most of the activities of the CWLS are performed by Volunteers. The society would like to thank all volunteers for their time and effort in making the CWLS a success.

2021 Executive
President | Kathy Diaz | Wolverine Energy Services Inc.
Vice President | Michael Lazorek | Chevron Canada Resources
Treasurer/Secretary | Aaron Weber
Membership/Committees Chairperson| Felix Todea | Shell Canada Ltd.
Publications/Website Chairperson | Matthew Yaychuk | CNRL
Past President | Christa Williams | Canadian Discovery Ltd.